united we stand,devided we fall books and friends should be few but good you have to take the good with bad actions speak louder than words...
1 to be proud of the work, rather than the beautiful lian daner 2 in order to generate innovative ideas, you must have: (1) the necessary knowl...
1 shinya to world music, books all day long in the case ((song) ouyang xiu) 2 it should be noted that detailed study, not sloppy, as this will...
每一个人都需要有人和他开诚布公地谈心。一个人尽管可以十分英勇,但他也可能十分孤独。海明威 自己就是主宰一切的上帝,倘若想征服全世界,就得先征服自己。海明威详 冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为他只有八分之一在水面上。 水底的部分占整座冰山的八分之七 i always try to write o...
a generation without a cause in its youth has no legacy in its old age eeward kennedy american plliticia 一代人如果年轻时候没有事业,老了就不会有遗产可以传下去。 美国政治家肯尼迪 ...
a contented mind is the atest blessing a man can enjoy in this world joseph addison american wreter 知足是人生在世最大的幸事。 美国作家艾迪生 j a lifetime of...
it is better to live rich than to die rich samuel johnson, british writer 与其在死时后中握着一大把钱,还不如活着的时候活得丰富多采。 英国作家约翰逊 s it is good to have money...
if your riches are yours, why dont you take them with you to the other world? benjiamin franklin, american president 如果财富是你的,那么你为什么不把它们和你一起带到另一个世...
光辉人生中忙碌的一个小时抵得过碌碌无为的一生。——scott when your will is ready, your feet are light 当你的意志坚强了,你前进的脚步就轻快了。 ——herbert to a crazy...
on the occasion of the new year, may my wife and i extend to you and yours our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy new year, your career greater...
the most glorious moment in your life are not the socalled days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in...
◇自然与科学◇ what is a weed? —a plant whose virtues have not been discovered 什么是杂草?——杂草是一种利用价值尚未被发现的植物。——emerson the man of science does not discove...
点评: 这篇本章个人感觉是爱情英文名人名言中的上品,除了语言美之外,英文的翻译也很到位 其中 you cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 the m...
情感和愿望是人类一切努力和创造背后的动力,不管呈现在我们面前的这种努力和创造外表上是多么高超。 爱因斯坦 不能把小孩子的精神世界变成单纯学习知识。如果我们力求使儿童的全部精神力量都专注到功课上去,他的生活就会变得不堪忍受。他不仅应该是一个学生,而且首先应该是一个有多方面兴趣、要求和愿望的人。...
happiness 幸福篇 a lifetime of happiness ! no man alive could bear it ; it would be hell on earth (g bernard shaw ,british dramatist ) 终身幸福!这是任何活着的...
as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb 偷大偷小都是贼。 as worms are bred in a stagnant pool, so are evil thoughts in idleness 虫蛆在死水中孵化,邪念在懒惰中养成。...
français célébrité célèbre lamour je vous remercie, nous appuyons notre réseau de bien-connu les célébrités, si vous avez des questions d...
i love you not ause of who you are, ause of who i am when i am with you 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人, 而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉 no man or woman is worth your tear...
is no life 理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。 -leo tolstory(俄国作家托尔斯泰) dont part with your illusions, when they are gone you may still exist,...
1 “难”也是如此,面对悬崖峭壁,一百年也看不出一条缝来,但用斧凿,能进一寸进一寸,得进一尺进一尺,不断积累,飞跃必来,突破随之。---华罗庚(中国) 3 我真想发明一种具有那么可怕的大规模破坏力的特质或机器,以至于战争将会因此而永远变为不可能的事情。---诺贝尔(瑞...