
名言警句 2021-07-20 网络整理 可可


  1、christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality inthe hall, the genial flame ofcharity in the heart。——washington irving

  2、christmas is a time when kids tell santa what they want andadults pay for it. deficits arewhen adults tell the government whatthey want - and their kids pay for it。——richard lamm

  3、christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. tocherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to havethe real spirit of christmas。——calvin coolidge

  4、christmas is the day that holds all time together。——alexander smith

  5、christmas is, of course, the time to be home - in heart as wellas body。——garry moore

  6、christmas renews our youth by stirring our wonder. the capacityfor wonder has been calledour most pregnant human faculty, for init are born our art, our science, our religion。——ralph w. sockman

  7、christmas to a child is the first terrible proof that to travelhopefully is better than to arrive。——stephen fry

  8、christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold,everything is softer and morebeautiful。——norman vincent peale

  9、christmas, my child, is love in action. every time we love, every time we give, it's christmas.——dale evans

  10、christmas... is not an eternal event at all, but a piece of one’shome that one carries inone’s heart。——freya stark

  11、happy, happy christmas, that can win us back to the delusions ofour childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of hisyouth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside andquiet home!——charles dickens

  12、i don't think christmas is necessarily about things. it's about being good to one another, it's about the christian ethic, it's about kindness.!——carrie fisher

  13、that’s the true spiritof christmas; people being helped by people other than me。——jerry seinfeld

  14、the earth has grown old with its burden of care but at christmasit always is young, the heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fairand its soul full of music breaks the air, when the song of angelsis sung。——phillips brooks

  15、the earth reminded us of a christmas tree ornament hanging in theblackness of space. as wegot farther and farther away it diminishedin size. finally it shrank to the size of amarble, the mostbeautiful marble you can imagine。——james irwin

  16、the endangered species list has grown this year to include bothreligious and secular symbols cherished by americans including the nativity, santa claus, christmas trees, candycanes, and christmas carols。——john doolittle

  17、the spirit of christmas is-and hopefully always will be-aboutgoodwill and generosity toothers and peace on earth。——nick rahall

  18、there are some people who want to throw their arms round you justbecause it’s christmas,there are other people who want to strangleyou just because its christmas。——robert lynd12

  19、tis blessed to bestow, and yet, could we bestow the gifts weget, and keep the ones we giveaway, how happy were our christmasday!——carolyn wells

  20、we consider christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, thehistorical encounter, thedecisive encounter, between god andmankind. he who has faith knows this truly; let himrejoice。——pope paul vi

  21、when we were children we were grateful to those who filled ourstockings at christmas time. why are we not grateful to god forfilling our stockings with legs?——gilbert k. chesterton

  22、according to an ancient sardinian legend, the bodies of those whoare born on christmas eve will never dissolve into dust but arepreserved until the end of time。——grazia deledda

  23、a lovely thing about christmas is that it’s compulsory, like athunderstorm, and we all gothrough it together。——garrison keillor




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