
英语名言 2022-10-30 网络整理 可可


  it is through wisdom, mei-cai youth to shape its connotations were able to fully reflect the profound.

  young people are open-minded period of time, it should use this period to develop their own open-minded character. - russell

  young"s sensitive and creative spirit, with a maturity of scientists a wealth of knowledge and experience combined will be able to complement each other. - beveridge

  young people are our future, it is our hope. - stalin

  in the life of any occasion have to stand in the front line soldiers in the ranks. - ostrovsky

  the struggle of life you are able to make, you make the suffering of the depressed aging; the times that this is going to be able to shoulder the historic mission for the youth of the two magic weapons. - mao dun

  youth wasted nothing, white for the first title and what goes up! - quan deyu

  poetry has no intention to send non-ru, mo zi can get negative youth. - yu qian

  as long as you do not obliterate the heart, even if the clouds in the evening, you can imagine the rich.

  youth not only belong to those young people in their prime, all belonging to the burnout never, never aggressive.

  not only is the flower of their youth xiaoye, vibrant energy, attractive ufa, it also contains hard work, exploration, hard work.

  flowers wither, and will re-open next year; youth gone will never come again.

  do not be allocated to the years of water bamboo basket, the youth should ignite the cause of the torch.

  not on the difficult journey distance, not touching the spectrum of friendship song; no snow nestling in the warm, burning can not afford not quenched the fire of love.

  pearl is a small matter, time is money, who picked up the most diligent in pearls, string into the money. youth who often have a "pearl."

  bow back arrow to open really, "back" the word should belong to young people.

  it is shameful for most young people lack the necessary creativity.

  youth is life in the songs of a masterpiece, it should be with the most beautiful things together.

  young people in the strongest terms the request is understood.

  if a peaceful and carefree life, the magnificent youth also disappeared.

  for young evergreen tree, i have to rely on the cause of the light shining, the water rely on the love of the water.

  what does it mean for the young? it means the world each irrational things are exciting.

  if the candle of youth in order to weep with grief, will never be proud of the brilliant shine.

  youth means a green and hope.

  into the world of civilization, human well-being made to the youth i have to create youth of the family, the youth of the nation with youthful vigor, the young man, the young earth, the universe"s youth, funded by the music of health knows no boundaries. - li dazhao youth, the king of life, the life of the spring, china"s life also. - li dazhao

  golden horse hundred buy, buy beautiful daughter; gaojue million payment to buy, where to buy their youth? - qu yuan

  mo leisure day, to no longer young. - lin kuan

  with my old non-white people! youth is no longer even ruzhi? in the non-ruoguan boy, did not learn far more famous husband? - yu liangbi 123

  spring ah, is always good, but the real youth, only those people who always strive for the best, selfless work forever, forever humble man! - lei feng

  youth is the pillar of the revolution. youth is to defend the fruits of the revolution, is to speed up the history of the world a better force. - horse of the soong ching ling bai buy gold, buy gold beauty; gaojue million payment to buy, where to buy their youth? - qu yuan

  young, the king of life, the life of the spring, china"s life also. - li dazhao

  mo leisure day, to no longer young. - lin kuan

  with my old non-white people! youth is no longer even ruzhi? in the non-ruoguan boy, did not learn far more famous husband? - yu liangbi

  ah youth is always better, but the real youth, only those people who always strive for the best, selfless work forever, forever humble man! - lei feng

  youth is the pillar of the revolution. youth is to defend the fruits of the revolution, is to speed up the history of the world a better force. - soong ching ling

  ... ... a nation"s young generation in the absence of youth, it is unfortunate that this great nation. - herzen

  young people are open-minded period of time, it should use this period to develop their own open-minded character. - russell

  young"s sensitive and creative spirit, with a maturity of scientists a wealth of knowledge and experience combined will be able to complement each other. - beveridge

  young people are our future, it is our hope. - stalin

  in the life of any occasion have to stand in the front line soldiers in the ranks. - ostrovsky

  the struggle of life you are able to make, you make the suffering of the depressed aging; the times that this is going to be able to shoulder the historic mission for the youth of the two magic weapons. - mao dun

  youth wasted nothing, white for the first title and what goes up! - quan deyu

  poems do not intend to send non-ru, mo zi can get negative youth. - yu qian

  into the world of civilization, human well-being made to the youth i have to create youth of the family, the youth of the nation with youthful vigor, the young man, the young earth, the universe"s youth, funded by the music of health knows no boundaries. - li dazhao

  youth is the most wonderful season, but it is how short, when you remove the calendar page will be a premonition that litter the flower of youth.

  young people in a once in a lifetime, the youth of the times than any other age to receive more noble and beautiful things. who can keep the youth to old age, not their hearts to cool, harden, inflexible, who is the well-being

  yamahana unusual die of old age, will be re-opened. our youth are a thing of the past.

  with money in the world can do a lot of things, the youth can not only spend money on buying.

  we have given a great life and the infinite noble gift, and this is their youth: full of strength, looking forward to a full, voluntary, full of knowledge and aspirations of the struggle, full of hope, confidence of youth.

  to care of their youth! there is no longer better than the young, not more precious than the youth! youth is like gold, you want to make what, what can be. 123

  spring is the nature of the new season of the year; and the life of the new season, life is the only young once.

  equal to the abuse of youth wasted youth.

  exile is the youth of old age, money order, in about 30 years, you can add interest payments.

  one"s youth a time, there will be as beautiful as the fall of the maturity period. at this time, life-like fruit cooked like rice in the beautiful atmosphere of calm and wait for the harvest.正是借助于智慧,青春美才得以成形,它的内涵才得以充分深刻地体现。 青年时期是豁达的时期,应该利用这个时期养成自己豁达的性格。 —— 罗素青年的敏感和独创精神,一经与成熟科学家丰富的知识和经验相结合,就能相得益彰。 —— 贝弗里奇 青年是我们的未来,是我们的希望。 —— 斯大林 在人生的任何场合都要站在第一线战士的行列里。 —— 奥斯特洛夫斯基 斗争的生活使你干练,苦闷的煎熬使你醇化;这是时代要造成青年为能担负历史使命的两件法宝。 —— 茅盾青春虚度无所成,白首衔悲补何及! —— 权德舆 诗寄汝非无意,莫负青春取自惭。 —— 于谦

  只要你的童心不泯,即使傍晚的云霞,也能给你瑰丽的想象。青春不仅属于那些风华正茂的青年人,更属于一切永不倦怠、永远进取的人。 青春不仅是花朵的笑靥,蓬勃的精力,诱人的乌发,它还包含着耕耘,探索,拚搏。花朵凋谢,明年还会再开;青春逝去永远不会再来。 莫让岁月编进打水的竹篮,要用青春燃起事业的火炬。 没有征途上的艰难跋涉,谱不出动人的友谊之歌;没有风雪中的热情偎依,燃不起不灭爱情之火。 小事是珍珠,岁月是金钱,谁最勤于拾起珍珠,串入金钱。谁就有一条青春常在的“珍珠”。开弓岂有回头箭 ," 退缩 " 二字不应属于青年人 . 人们最感惭愧的是缺乏青年人所需要的创造力。 青春,是人生组歌中的一首绝唱,它理应同最美的事物联在一起。青年人最强烈的要求莫过于被人理解。 如果生活安闲了,瑰丽的青春也消逝了。要使青春之树常绿,一要靠事业之光的照耀,二要靠爱情之水的浇灌。 年青意味着什么?它意味着对这个世界上每件不合理的东西都感到激动。 蜡烛如果为了青春悲泣,决不会闪耀自豪的光辉。 青春意味着着绿色和希望。 为世界进文明,为人类造幸福,以青春之我,创建青春之家庭,青春之国家,青春之民族,青春之人类,青春之地球,青春之宇宙,资以乐其无涯之生。 —— 李大钊· 青年者,人生之王,人生之春,人生之华也。 —— 李大钊 百金买骏马,千金买美人;万金买高爵,何处买青春? —— 屈原 白日莫闲过,青春不再来。 —— 林宽 白发无凭吾老矣!青春不再汝知乎?年将弱冠非童子,学不成名岂丈夫? —— 俞良弼 春啊,永远是美好的,可是真正的青春,只属于这些永远力争上游的人,永远忘我劳动的人,永远谦虚的人! —— 雷锋青年是革命的柱石。青年是革命果实的保卫者,是使历史加速向更美好的世界前进的力量。 —— 宋庆龄百金买骏马,千金买美人;万金买高爵,何处买青春? —— 屈原 青年者,人生之王,人生之春,人生之华也。 —— 李大钊 白日莫闲过,青春不再来。 —— 林宽 白发无凭吾老矣!青春不再汝知乎?年将弱冠非童子,学不成名岂丈夫? —— 俞良弼青春啊,永远是美好的,可是真正的青春,只属于这些永远力争上游的人,永远忘我劳动的人,永远谦虚的人! —— 雷锋 青年是革命的柱石。青年是革命果实的保卫者,是使历史加速向更美好的世界前进的力量。 —— 宋庆龄 ……一个民族的年轻一代人要是没有青春,那就是这个民族的大不幸。 —— 赫尔岑 青年时期是豁达的时期,应该利用这个时期养成自己豁达的性格。 —— 罗素青年的敏感和独创精神,一经与成熟科学家丰富的知识和经验相结合,就能相得益彰。 —— 贝弗里奇 青年是我们的未来,是我们的希望。 —— 斯大林在人生的任何场合都要站在第一线战士的行列里。 —— 奥斯特洛夫斯基 斗争的生活使你干练,苦闷的煎熬使你醇化;这是时代要造成青年为能担负历史使命的两件法宝。 —— 茅盾 青春虚度无所成,白首衔悲补何及! —— 权德舆 题诗寄汝非无意,莫负青春取自惭。 —— 于谦为世界进文明,为人类造幸福,以青春之我,创建青春之家庭,青春之国家,青春之民族,青春之人类,青春之地球,青春之宇宙,资 以乐其无涯之生。 —— 李大钊 青春是人们最美妙的季节,然而它又是何等短暂,当你撕去日历上的一页,便会预感到青春的花朵凋落了。 青春在人的一生中只有一次,青春时代要比其他任何时代更能接受高尚和美好的东西。谁能把青春保持到老年,不让自己的心灵冷却、变硬、僵化,谁就是幸福 寻常的山花凋谢了,还会再开。而我们的青春却一去不复返。 有了金钱可以在这个世界做很多事,惟有青春却无法用钱购买。生活赋我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春:充满着力量,充满了期待、志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望、信 心的青春。 要爱惜自己的青春!世界上没有再比青春更美好的了,没有再比青春更珍贵的了!青春就像黄金,你想做成什么,就能成为什么。春天是自然界一年里的新生季节;而人生的新生季节,就是人生只有一度的青春。滥用青春等于虚度青春。 少年时期的放浪是晚年的汇票,大约在三十年后,即可加上利息支付。一个人的青春时期一过,就会出现像秋天一样优美的成熟时期。这时,生命的果实像熟稻子似的在美丽的平静的气氛中等待收获。




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